The duties of the Council of Elders shall be to:

  • Be actively involved in decisions respecting the direction and governance of UCN
  • Promote  an environment at the University College that respects and embraces Aboriginal and northern cultures and values
  • Promote and understanding of the role of Elders within the University College
  • Work in partnership with UCN's Governing Council and Learning Council
  • Provide guidance within UCN through sharing the Elder's traditional knowledge of wisdom, beliefs, and values in a respectful and caring way
  • Be role models, resources and advisors, and provide guidance and support to students, staff and administration
  • Be ambassadors for UCN in the larger community.

The Elders' representative on the Governing Council speaks for the Council of Elders at the Governing Council meetings.

The Elders' representative on the Learning Council speaks for the Council of Elders at the Learning Council meetings.

Elder Mabel Bignell, Opaskwayak


Elder Martha Jonasson, Wabowden


Council Members

Elder John Donovan, Thompson

Elder Gail Goddfeld-McDonald, Nelson House

Elder Margaret Head-Steppan, Flin Flon
Elder Tim Mendel, Swan River
Elder Martha Spence, Split Lake

Elder Tommy Weenusk, Oxford House


Governing Council Representative
Pamela Marsden, Flin Flon


Learning Council Representative


SAC Representative


UCN Elders (Resource Members)
Vacant, Thompson Campus
Vacant, The Pas Campus


Honorary Member of Council of Elders
Elder Norma Leahy, Thompson