The UCN Council of Elders is to promote an environment at the university college that respects and embraces Aboriginal and northern cultures and values.
The Council of Elders is also to promote an understanding of the role of elders within the university college.
Within their communities, Elders are respected and honoured for their spirituality, wisdom, intelligence, life experience and teachings. Elders are also recognized for their love of the land, their language and for their knowledge of the traditions. The Elders bring these gifts to the UCN community of students, faculty and staff through their advice, guidance, and support.
The inclusion of Elder wisdom and guidance extends beyond the Council of Elders with Elder representatives sitting as voting members on Governing Council, the Learning Council, and all Learning Council standing committees.
Office of the UCN Tri-Council
The Office of the UCN Tri-Council is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the activities of the Governing Council, and the Council’s standing and ad hoc committees; the Council of Elders; and the Learning Council. The Office provides administrative and advisory services to these bodies and serves as the repository of information and data on all matters relating to the three Councils. The Office provides advice and guidance on jurisdiction, strategy, policy and process.
Tanya Pidskalny
UCN Tri-Council Executive Officer
PO Box 3000
The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1M7
Phone: (204) 627-8649