The T2202 forms for 2023 are now available.
Please note that the T2202 forms for 2023 will be available at the end of the day on the last day of February 2024.
T2202 forms are issued online by UCN once a year, at the end of February, and cover eligible courses taken and paid for in the previous calendar year. For example, the form issued in February 2024 will cover eligible courses completed in 2023.

SEE BELOW for step-by-step instructions for retrieving your T2202 form.

Important: If you do not remember your student number, please contact the Associate Registrar at 204-627-8520, or toll free at 1-866-627-8500 (ext. 8520).
Instructions for accessing your T2202 slip on
The T2202 form should be downloaded from a laptop or desktop computer.
Enter your last name, student number and birthdate in the spaces provided.
Select the tax year for which you wish to print your T2202 by clicking on the drop-down arrow.
Click “OK” – please be patient as the request may take a minute or more to complete.

After you have entered your information and clicked “Ok” your form will download as a pdf file which you can save for your records. Should you need to request multiple T2202 forms it's important to start with a completely fresh request page again. Please click on the Home tab or the T2202 Tax Receipts link to ensure your previous query has cleared.


The recommended method for downloading the T2202 is from a laptop or desktop computer. If you are trying to access your T2202 from a mobile device or tablet and are encountering errors, please try again from a laptop or desktop computer.
If you experience any difficulty or if your T2202 is displaying zero dollar value, please contact Jen White within the UCN Finance office at 204-627-8602 or 866-627-8500 (ext. 8602). Jen may also be reached at