Career Connect
Are you looking to host:
- Company information sessions
- Scheduled office hours on Campus
- Deliver Information Sessions to classes or groups
- Information booth
- Interview prospective hires
- Share your expertise, Host a workshop
- Promote employability skills essential to your workplace & be part of our Professional Development Series for students
- Job Postings & information via email blasts
Career Connect is an on-campus program to engage UCN students and Employers/Industry Partners in career development. You pick your preferred format! To download the Career Connect Program click Here
Our events are open to all students regardless of academic discipline or level of study and we encourage everyone to attend our events. However, for employers wishing to target a particular academic discipline or year group we can work with our contacts across campus to help market the event to relevant students.
Benefits for Employers
- Promote recruitment opportunities to a targeted audience
- Raise your company profile on campus
- An effective screening tool as they can observe potential candidates’ professionalism and interpersonal skills
- Meet with highly motivated and capable students from many different disciplines face to face
- Build a talent pool of candidates to meet your current and future resource requirements
- Select from a group of qualified individuals for a paid or unpaid work placement to meet your short-term HR needs
Benefits for Students
Information sessions are an excellent opportunity to gather information about a company and make contacts who can help you to get ‘in the door’
A chance to tell recruiters about your qualifications and show that you are genuinely interested in the company
Information gathered can also help you decide whether or not to pursue employment with the organization
Many employers will not consider you for an interview unless you attend their information session
How to register for Career Connect?
If you would like to schedule a Career Connect event:
- complete the Career Connect Request Form Here
- email it tor
Four ways of investing in our students… that will also be an investment in your business